Sreela Venkataratnam, a vice president at Tesla, has announced her resignation, marking another exit of a senior employee amid ongoing turnover at the company. Venkataratnam, who had been with Tesla since 2013, described her time there as “extraordinary” but noted that working for Elon Musk’s company is “not for the faint of heart.”
Key Points:
– Venkataratnam praised Tesla’s growth into a $700 billion enterprise.
– She is one of several executives to leave, following a significant workforce reduction of over 10% in April.
– Other recent departures include former CFO Jason Wheeler, senior vice president Drew Baglino, and product head Rich Otto, who expressed concerns about the company’s direction after layoffs.
– The demanding work culture at Tesla has led many employees to extreme measures, such as sleeping in their cars.
Tesla has not commented on these departures, which highlight an increasing trend of high-level attrition within the company.