Tesla continues to face a wave of senior employee departures, with Vice President Sreela Venkataratnam being the latest to announce her resignation. In a LinkedIn post, Venkataratnam, who had been with the company for over 11 years, described her experience at Tesla as \”extraordinary\” but emphasized that the work environment is \”not for the faint of heart.\”
Key points include:
– Venkataratnam’s exit follows the company’s April layoff of 10% of its workforce, a move initiated by Elon Musk to reduce headcount and costs.
– Other notable departures include Drew Baglino, senior VP of powertrain, and Rohan Patel, VP of public policy.
– Tesla’s challenging work culture has led some employees to reportedly sleep in their cars or on the factory floor during intense production periods.
– Venkataratnam plans to take a break before pursuing new opportunities, highlighting the challenging work conditions at Tesla.
– Tesla has not commented on this trend of executive departures.